Homeowners, Tenant or Co-op Insurance
Whether you are renting or own a house, condo or cooperative unit, the type and extent of insurance you purchase will determine the amount of protection you have for your assets, lifestyle and possessions.
Automobile Insurance
For most of us, an automobile is an indispensable part of an active and busylifestyle. Proper insurance is just as much of a necessity as an automobile. The type of Automobile Insurance required and the rates are determined by many factors.
Long Term Care
To help pay the daily costs of extended care at home, in a nursing home, or in other covered facilities -- including health care, assisted living, adult day care, hospice care and other covered services.
Flood/Earthquake Insurance
You may not be aware that coverage for flood is specifically excluded from your homeowner's policy. You should purchase a coverage if your home, condo or apartment is situated in an area susceptible to flooding.
Under the Federal Flood Program, the maximum coverages are $250,000 Building and $100,000 Contents. If more coverage is needed, Excess Flood Insurance is available.
Workers' Compensation Liability/Disability
The statutory requirement to provide Workers' Compensation and Liability/Disability coverage for your household employees may be easily and inexpensively satisfied with a personal insurance policy through Brownie W Davis Agency. Contact Brownie W Davis Agency for information.